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Community Service

Community Service

Community Service

The Atlanta Humane Society provides opportunities to complete community service for those needing documented hours for:

  • School
  • Court-ordered community service
  • A club or civic organization

Please note that you must be 18 or older in order to participate in community service.

Starting Your Community Service: Register for Orientation

If you are looking to participate in our community service, you are required to first register for and attend a short one-hour orientation. Orientations are held at both our Atlanta location. We ask that you arrive for orientation 15-20 minutes early to complete paperwork. You need to pre-register through our Eventbrite page. Latecomers will not be permitted to attend.


When attending an orientation for court-ordered community service, you must bring:

  • A picture ID
  • A copy of your citation which includes the charge, number of hours required, and the name/number of your case worker or attorney

Please note, we are only able to accept traffic citations, DUI citations, and misdemeanor possession of marijuana.


When attending an orientation for university or civic organization community service, you must bring:

  • A picture ID
  • Applicable school or club paperwork or contact information for verification to orientation

Once you attend a Community Service Orientation, you’ll receive a link to sign up for your community service hours. These hours are available 7 days a week, including holidays.


Our Community Service volunteers help with:

  • Cleaning enclosures
  • Washing dishes
  • Folding laundry
  • Shredding newspaper
  • Filling water dishes
  • And other various duties as assigned

Please note: The community service orientation held at the Atlanta Humane Society only grants you the ability to complete community service for the Atlanta Humane Society. The Atlanta Humane Society is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit (IRS Tax ID# 58-0685900) organization.

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