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There's one name no animal deserves... Homeless.

The streets are a sad, lonely place for the dogs and cats, puppies and kittens without homes. Hunger gnaws at empty bellies. No soothing voice or gentle hand offers comfort.

Fear becomes a way of life. Fortunately, with help from friends like you, the Atlanta Humane Society offers a safe haven and medical care for homeless animals. But what these animals really need is a loving home they can call their own.


Animals like Gus and his six Husky mix littermates who were left homeless with their mother Tippy. After seeing the conditions of these homeless puppies, one of our partner shelters took them into their care and reached out to us for help. When we heard about them, we worked to quickly transport them to AHS to provide them the love they deserved.

Once the little family got to AHS, they were examined and treated by our veterinarians, their matted coats were bathed and brushed, and their empty tummies filled with nourishing meals. At 10 weeks old, they immediately perked up and became the playful, fun-loving puppies they should have always been.

The pups and mama soaked in all the love they were showered with by AHS staff and volunteers, and they were quickly scooped up by families who were thrilled to take them home. With your support, these precious lives are saved.

And while these puppies were finding their forever homes, Eloise and her sister were left on our doorstep. We heard her tiny, desperate meows coming from a small crate left outside our door and rushed to see what was inside. Much to our surprise, we found two tiny homeless kittens.

Upon closer inspection, one of the two kittens was screaming in pain as soon as she was touched. Our Shelter Medicine Team found that one of her back legs was completely broken, causing tiny Eloise immense pain. We gave her pain medication to ease her discomfort, a soft bed to rest on and loving nuzzles of comfort.

While Eloise’s leg was too injured to save, her amputation surgery was a complete success. She began adjusting to life on three legs as soon as she woke up. Thanks to your support, little Eloise will now live a life free of pain with the loving family who took her home forever.

But not every cat and dog finds a home so easily. After they arrive here at our shelter, we still have the challenge of finding just the right family to give them a forever home.

While we do all we can to help these vulnerable animals, at times their needs can be overwhelming.

You’ve been such a wonderful friend to AHS. Could you find it in your heart to give whatever you can afford today to help find loving homes for helpless animals?

Your kind gift will provide shelter, medical services and loving care while they wait and will even support spaying and neutering to reduce the number of unwanted dogs and cats.

On behalf of the animals, thank you for your friendship and support!

For the animals,

Cal Morgan
President and CEO

May 1, 2019

Candler County Cruelty Case lightbox