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Pets in Crisis Support

Pets in Crisis Support

The Pets in Crisis Support Program provides temporary foster housing to pets of families who are facing the crisis of housing instability, domestic violence, or a health emergency for up to 90 days so these pets can be reunited with their families.

Having foster homes in this program allows us to step in during these situations so that loving pet owners do not have to permanently surrender their pets to a shelter during a temporary crisis.

How Foster Care Works

What We Provide: The Atlanta Humane Society provides all veterinary care, medicine, food, and supplies needed for foster animals, as well as a supportive network of other foster parents and volunteers.

What Fosters Provide: A foster parent offers a safe, nurturing home filled with warmth and love.

Why Foster?

Fostering a pet in crisis is more than just providing a temporary home. It’s giving hope to a family during their darkest moments. By fostering, you become a lifeline for pets and their families, offering stability when they need it most. Your kindness ensures that no one has to choose between their safety and their beloved companion.

Animals in Need of Fostering

Our Pets in Crisis Support Program provides temporary housing for pets whose owners face housing instability, domestic violence, or a health emergency. Foster parents care for these pets for up to 90 days.

View Animals Waiting for Foster

Get Started Fostering

Your first step in becoming a foster parent within this program is to complete the Atlanta Humane foster onboarding process. You can learn more and get started at the link below.

Become a Foster

Need Help for Your Pet?

If you’re facing housing instability, domestic violence, or a health emergency, please request help by filling out this form. Domestic violence survivors may also contact Ahimsa House for help.

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