As the weeks go by, it’s easy to forget that thousands of people were devastated by Hurricane Ida just a few weeks ago, but the residents of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, haven’t forgotten. In fact, they’ve just started to rebuild.
We knew we had to help, so three members of our Animal Protection Unit deployed to assist our friends at Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter whose facility suffered damage and weeks of power outages due to the storm.
Our team worked for more than two weeks assisting in the temporary emergency animal shelter, which was constructed in a converted gymnasium. They slept in a tow trailer and went without hot showers for weeks, but because of their sacrifice and dedication, over 100 animals had a safe, clean, and comfortable place to call home until power was restored to the animal shelter. A huge thank you to our team, and our thoughts and love are with the residents of Terrebonne Parish.