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Animal Welfare Partners

Animal Welfare Partners

Animal Welfare Partners

The Atlanta Humane Society is a no-kill shelter providing care to animals and our communities through sheltering and adoption, veterinary care, and community outreach. We work diligently alongside other animal welfare partners in Atlanta, Georgia, the Southeast, and across the United States to save more animal lives together.

Animal Transport

We work with animal welfare partners across the state to move animals to different shelters, including ours, to help reduce overcrowding and place adoptables in new environments with the goal of a quick adoption. We’re currently accepting new cat transport partners, and our Southeastern Animal Collaborative Transport Group will connect you with other animal welfare organizations in ou area to help you transport animals throughout the southeast.

Low-cost Spay and Neuter Services for Shelters

We offer discounted spay and neuter surgeries to shelter animals at local shelters and rescue organizations in need. These surgeries happen at our metro Atlanta locations on scheduled dates. For more information, please submit your interest via the form at the link below.


Capitol Improvement Grants

Our Statewide Partners have access to grant funding that support key, capital improvement projects within organizations in the state of Georgia. The improvement projects targeted by the grant will align closely with the Association of Shelter Veterinarians Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters (ASV Guidelines). The purpose of the grant is to ensure that the selected shelters’ infrastructure improves the health and living conditions of animals in the selected shelters’ care based on ASV Guidelines.

Each funding request will be reviewed based on the completion of the application and the consensus of a committee of Atlanta Humane Society staff members. Funding is limited for improvement projects for organizations within the state of Georgia. All projects must demonstrate how they positively impact the health, safety, and living conditions of the animals housed within these shelters.


Pet Food & Supplies for Community Organizations, Rescues, and Shelters

Thanks to generous local donors and our partnership with Greater Good Charities, community organizations, rescues, and shelters can receive in-kind donations from the Atlanta Humane Society for minimal cost or for free.

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Join the Southeastern Animal Collaborative

This collaborative Facebook forum is for animal welfare agencies, rescuers, and groups in the region to establish professional relationships and find lifesaving placement, transfer, and transport options for animals in need.

Join the Facebook Group