Adopt an animal for $0
Dogs and cats who are one year old and up at our physical shelters will have…
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Dogs and cats who are one year old and up at our physical shelters will have…
Adoption fees are 50% off for all cats and dogs at our Alpharetta and West Midtown…
All cats and dogs who are at our Alpharetta location and one year old and up will have…
We’re waiving adoption fees for all cats who are one year old and up at our Alpharetta and…
Hot diggity dog! In celebration of National Hot Dog Day, we’re offering 50% off hot dogs this Wednesday…
Celebrate the upcoming holiday in red, white…and bark!
Help us share the love and be a matchmaker for our long-term pets! We want these animals to be in their new home by the end of June.
All cats at our physical shelter locations in Alpharetta and Atlanta have $0 adoption fees each Friday in June.
Adoption fees will be waived for all animals one year old and up at our Alpharetta and West Midtown locations [...]
Love is blooming at the Atlanta Humane Society, and our animals are waiting for you to shower them with affection! [...]