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Sheltering the Defenseless

Our Shelter Medicine Team is one of the first stops for every animal who comes through our door. They provide these animals with a head-to-toe exam and specialized medical care as needed. Last year, they treated 749 animals who were suffering from illness or disease.

About Penny

We received a call about a 10-day-old kitten who was being tossed into the air and dropped repeatedly by some children. An Animal Control Officer intervened and brought the kitten to the Atlanta Humane Society for urgent medical care. The kitten was in critical condition.

We named her Penny. She was struggling to hold her head up, so our Shelter Medicine Team put her in a tiny neck brace. We also feared she might have swelling in her brain, so we placed her in an oxygen box to get her tiny body what it needed.

Penny needed to be monitored every moment overnight to ensure she was still breathing and comfortable. But now, Penny is doing well!

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