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Our new Atlanta Animal Center is designed to minimize fear and stress in shelter animals, increase our ability to provide behavior enrichment and training, and increase our support of volunteer foster families.

These improvements are critical for animals who have been in our care for an extended time. Our Atlanta Animal Center will have spaces that are separate from the public, which is especially crucial for animals that require longer stays to address critical medical and emotional needs. Because of this, we can provide deeper enrichment for behavior challenges.

As our Animal Protection Unit expands their responses to cruelty cases throughout the state of Georgia, our new Atlanta Animal Center will feature separate, longer-term housing for animals from these cases. They are often scared or shut down, so this housing will enable them to decompress and receive one-on-one behavior treatment from our Behavior Team. These dogs will have larger kennels as well as access to their own outdoor area to ensure they have a safe place to call home until they’re ready for a family of their own.

Cats in shelter environments are also quicker to become stressed and, oftentimes, this stress leads to these cats being sicker and requiring longer stays in shelter facilities. Our new Atlanta Animal Center will be built to keep cats healthy and happy until they are adopted.

In the video below, Ashley Webb, one of the Animal Training and Behavior Managers at the Atlanta Humane Society, addresses how impactful the new facilities will be for the Behavior Team.

ashley webb behavior manager
September 26, 2022

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