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A local animal control agency contacted the Atlanta Humane Society’s Shelter Medicine Team in need of assistance; sweet Snow was in dire need of an operation on her leg. 

Before the operation, our Veterinarians performed X-Rays in order to fully understand Snow’s condition. What they found was shocking. In addition to needing an operation on her leg, Snow also had a foreign object lodged in her abdomen that could cause her immense pain and further complications.

Because of the object’s size and sharp edges, our Shelter Medicine Team had to perform an emergency exploratory surgery to remove the object.

After the exploratory surgery, we knew Snow would pull through. Her leg was still causing her immense pain, so with comfort and reassurance from our Shelter Medicine Team, Snow bravely faced her second life-saving surgery.

After the two intensive surgeries, Snow is on the road to recovery. It will take some time for this sweet girl to feel 100% again, but she is already walking and showing off her sweet personality.

We are proud to partner with other agencies in our community to make a difference in the lives of homeless animals in and around the Metro Atlanta area, and your gift makes it possible.

Donate now to help animals like Snow in our community. 

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