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Dear Friends:

Advancing animal welfare and improving the lives of animals in the Southeast is the duty of our entire community. This community includes animal welfare advocates and supporters like you as well as the many animal welfare organizations in our area. Collaborations between these animal welfare organizations are key, especially considering our goals are all the same – to save animal lives. This year, we strived to lead these collaborations.

Made possible by support from friends like you, our transfer partner program collaborated with more than 100 agencies across the Southeast giving these animals a second chance in life. We’re also bringing harder medical cases, like Maggie, our cover dog, into our shelters from these organizations to provide them specialized care.

We also collaborated with these animal welfare organizations during the first Animal Welfare Conference in Macon, bringing 225 animal welfare advocates together with nationally renowned speakers in our field.

Your support this year also enabled our H.E.A.R.T. rescue team to save animals who were affected by Hurricane Matthew and respond to many calls helping animals in life-threatening crisis.

With continued support from friends like you, we look forward to doing more for vulnerable animals in 2017.


Cal Morgan
President and CEO

March 1, 2017

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