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In Memoriam
Robert L. Fisher

Long term Atlanta Humane Society employee, Robert L. Fisher passed away in June of 2018. Fisher was a native of Lubbock, Texas and spent more than 30 years at the Society in a number of positions, most notably as Director of Fulton County Animal Control Services.

From the 1970’s until the early 2000’s, the Atlanta Humane Society was a leader in animal control contractual services for several government entities. Fisher established, recruited and trained the staff for Gwinnett County, Douglas County, Fulton County and more than 16 individual municipalities, all under umbrella contracts with the Atlanta Humane Society.

Fisher was the founder and first President of the S.E. Animal Control Association in the early 1970’s which was the largest such group at the time and pre-dated the later National Animal Control Association with was the legacy many believe from, the establishment of the S.E.A.C.A.

For the last 20 years of his career, Mr. Fisher was the Director of Fulton SPCA Animal Control Services, a DBA of the Atlanta Humane Society. In the mid 1980’s, a study by Tufts University named this agency as one of the top 5 animal control programs in North America (U.S. and Canada).

Mr. Fisher was an animal lover “extraordinaire” and was never without some sort of companion “critter”.

He is survived by his wife, Frances, son Curtis and daughter, Rebecca, Gran children and Great Grandchildren.

The Atlanta Humane Society honors his legacy and memory.


August 15, 2018

Candler County Cruelty Case lightbox