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Update: Two of the puppies, Gisele and Tyra, have made full recoveries and are now ready to find their forever homes. While they wait for their perfect matches, they’ve been catching up on their sleep, exploring the world, and getting into a little trouble (as puppies do!). They’re so happy and wiggly, in fact, that our photographer had some trouble getting the in-focus photo you see above.

The remaining littermate, Naomi, is still undergoing isolation protocols for parvovirus but is expected to be available for adoption in the coming days.

This lifesaving effort is all because of your support. Without you, these puppies wouldn’t have been able to receive the intensive care that beating this illness requires, and we can’t thank you enough.

November 1, 2021: Giselle and her littermates are fighting for their lives. They were just diagnosed with deadly parvovirus, and one of their littermates succumbed to the illness before they even made it to our doors.

This disease is so deadly that shelters often euthanize at the first sign of it, but we know that the right resources can bring hope.

When you give now, your donation – up to $50,000 – will be tripled thanks to a generous matching donation from the Atlanta Humane Society President’s Circle.

November 9, 2021