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Thank you for your donation

Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your generous donation to the Atlanta Humane Society. Because you care, dogs and cats who are homeless and suffering will be rescued, cared for, and adopted into loving families. Your gift will save lives.

We appreciate your generosity and support. Please know you are making a big difference to our animals, the families who come to love them, and our community. Together, we are saving lives.

For the animals,


2023 Impact Report

You’re helping us to care for animals across our community in more ways than ever before. Take a look at our 2023 Impact Report to see what we were able to accomplish last year with the support of donors like you.

Loyal Friend Survey

Your answers will help us understand which of our services are most important to you and why you support us. This will guide us to inspire more supporters and save more homeless dogs and cats. Thank you for your time and lifesaving care.

Donation Tax Receipt

After you made your donation, an electronic copy of your donation receipt was sent to the email you provided. Online monthly donors will receive an email in January each year with their prior year’s donations totaled.

If you need assistance with your donations or have questions at any time, please feel free to contact Chelsea Ericson at or 404.974.2899.

Looking to get more involved?

Make a difference in the lives of animals in need by volunteering or fostering. You can learn more here.