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Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance from MetLife

We know that pets are like family. We also know that, as a pet owner, the last thing you want to worry about is how you’ll pay for vet expenses should your pet ever get sick or have a serious accident. Pet insurance allows you to focus on the care and well-being of your pet without stressing over the financial aspects that follow. Pet insurance offered by MetLife is available to all dogs and cats at least eight weeks of age, regardless of breed.

How pet insurance works:

  1. Take your pet to the vet. Visit any licensed vet, emergency clinic, or specialist in the U.S. There’s no network of providers to worry about.
  2. Send the insurance company your claim. Pay your bill at the vet, then send your claim to MetLife along with vet records and an invoice from the visit.
  3. Get money back quickly. Pet insurance offered by MetLife will follow up with your vet for any missing information. Claims are processed in less than two weeks.

MetLife provides great cat or dog health insurance coverage with no per-incident or lifetime limits on the following:

  • Accidents
  • Illnesses (including hereditary, congenital, and chronic conditions)
  • Hospitalizations
  • Surgeries
  • Diagnostic tests
  • X-rays
  • Ultrasounds
  • Medications
  • Holistic care and alternative therapies
  • Emergency care
  • Exam fees
  • And much more
Health Condition Average Claim Amount
Ear infection $149.30
Laceration $227.13
Sprain $267.17
UTI $295.18
Gastritis $385.46
Sinus infection $395.31
Chemical ingestion $702.20
Parvo $911.26
Pneumonia $960.17
Foreign body ingestion $1,285.99

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