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Report Animal Cruelty

Report Animal Cruelty

Report Animal Cruelty

If this is an emergency situation requiring an immediate response, please contact 911.

If you are located within Fulton County, please call their dispatch office directly at 404-613-4954 or visit their website.

The Atlanta Humane Society’s Animal Protection Unit works tirelessly each day to defend the defenseless. Through this department, we ensure animals are rescued from cruelty and neglect and that those responsible are held accountable for their actions. When animal abuse is reported either directly to the Atlanta Humane Society or to a local authority, this division stands up to investigate and follow up on claims. Our Cruelty Investigation Division is also activated through field investigation and response, processing cruelty scenes, and removing animals from harm’s way. And every year, hundreds of animals are saved thanks to our Cruelty Investigation Division.

Once you submit the below form, we will work with local police or animal control as required to be sure your concerns are addressed and investigated. The more information you provide, the better we will be able to assist. Please be sure to provide contact information so we may contact you if we have any follow up questions.

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