Animal Protection Unit
The Atlanta Humane Society stands strong today, as we have for more than 146 years, in defense of the vulnerable. We believe the relationship between humans and animals has deep significance, and we call on our city and each other to take action. Together, we put up a united front against cruelty, neglect, and displacement. With a heart to better lives, we connect homeless animals with good homes and neglected animals with safe spaces — uplifting our community by instilling compassion. Through our Animal Protection Unit, we defend the defenseless. This unit contains three key specialties: cruelty investigation, disaster response, and community engagement.
Cruelty Investigation Division
The Cruelty Investigation Division aids law enforcement, animal control, and the public. When animal abuse is reported either directly to us or to local authorities, we help with investigating and following up on these claims. We work closely with local authorities to help ensure animals are rescued from cruelty and neglect and that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.
If needed, we provide hands-on assistance through field investigation and response. Depending on the case, we can provide trained staff, veterinarians, and resources to process a scene and remove animals from harms way. We can also help by intaking animals, providing them extra medical needs as necessary, and finding them loving homes.
Disaster Response Team
Our Disaster Response Team steps up during natural and man-made disasters. This team works closely with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency and adheres to their regulations and guidance to ensure strategic use of resources during times of great need. We also collaborate with local and national animal welfare groups to help coordinate the transport of animals from disaster zones and provide expert documentation processing. When we are called to a disaster zone, we provide on-site medical assessments and direct care to animals. If needed, we also coordinate and lead emergency shelter operations.
Community Outreach Team
Providing services to our community here in Atlanta, our Community Outreach Team ensures that our community’s animals have the support and resources they need. We work closely with law enforcement to identify and assist animals within our community by providing free or affordable services and resources to their owners, such as dog houses, food, and straw. We also assist our local community cat colonies by providing cat housing and food to colony caretakers. We work alongside established community agencies to ensure that their current clients are able to provide for their pets as well and can provide pet food to shelters in need.
We also provide low-cost spay and neuter surgeries to pet owners in Atlanta and local partner shelters. For more information, please visit our Animal Welfare Partner page.