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Dog rescued from the path of Hurricane Florence.

We’re taking in more dogs and cats who have become displaced from Hurricane Florence.

Kittens rescued from the path of Hurricane Florence.

We’ll be taking in dogs and cats from the Guilford County Department of Animal Services in Greensboro, North Carolina to make space for animals there who have become displaced from Hurricane Florence.

Hurricane Florence

All of the animals we are taking in were already in the shelter prior to the storm as they are inland and did not have a need to evacuate. We will be medically assessing these animals and placing them up for adoption as they are cleared.

The dogs will be staying at Howell Mill and the cats will be transported up to Mansell.

Your tax-deductible donation will help fund the resources that are needed to help medically assess these animals and get them placed up for adoption as they are cleared.

September 21, 2018
