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TNR Workshop

Saturday, July 20 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Join Atlanta Humane Society for our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Workshop on Saturday, July 20th 9am-2pm. This workshop will consist of two sessions and lunch will be provided between sessions.

The event is free but we ask that you pre-register here.

Session 1 – Paws-on Practice: Basic TNR Techniques & Strategies

We will spend the morning focusing on the how-to of TNR from start to finish including how to prepare and execute trapping projects, community cat medical care provided at AHS, post-operative recovery, and colony care.

This session will involve participation in hands-on learning stations in and around the AHS Atlanta Animal Center campus. Because this session will take place both indoors and outdoors, please wear closed-toe shoes and dress appropriately for the July heat!

Session 2 – Perspectives: Navigating the Fuzzy Issues around Community Cats

Join our roundtable discussion as we explore the gray areas, controversies, and community dilemmas surrounding community cats and TNR. We will dive into a cat-alog of issues, obstacles, experiences, and insights surrounding community cat care, TNR practices, and colony management.

This session will be guided by attendee-submitted questions, so please submit your questions and situations on the registration form!

Venue Information

Atlanta Animal Center
1551 Perry Boulevard NW
Atlanta, GA 30318 United States
View Venue Website