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We first met Ziggy in a small town outside of Orlando, Florida. Hurricane Irma was threatening the entire Southeastern US, and the Atlanta Humane Society took two large vans to Florida to evacuate animals before the storm hit. The instant we saw her, we knew she was special. 

She was very loved by her friends in Florida, but they knew they needed to get her to safety before the Hurricane made landfall.

There was not a single hair on her entire body, and she had itchy, painful rashes covering her sides. We told her it was going to be okay, and we carefully loaded her into our van for the ride back to Atlanta. 

Once she arrived, our Staff fell in love with her beautiful eyes and fighting spirit.  Our Shelter Medicine team treated her skin infection, and we worked to find her a foster home where she could recover. 

After a few weeks in foster care, Ziggy’s skin is looking much healthier, and her fur is beginning to grow back! 

Your support enables us to respond to disasters and provide care to the most vulnerable animals, no matter what they may need.

Your gift now will help save the lives of animals just like Ziggy. 

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