Parvovirus is a puppy killer. It is a highly contagious disease with the potential to spread from one dog to the next very quickly.
At the Atlanta Humane Society, we see Parvovirus much too frequently in puppies who aren’t properly vaccinated before coming to us.
Because of this, our team is well-trained in recognizing the virus and fighting against it to save lives.
On average, we treat more than 150 puppies each year with Parvo and quarantine an additional 500 animals who have been exposed to this deadly disease. This means that at any moment, puppies could come through our doors in desperate need of lifesaving care. We need your help — and we need it fast — so we can have the resources to save their lives.
Parvovirus is a huge expense. Providing care and support for these sick puppies and putting dozens of other animals who came in contact with them in quarantine can quickly exceed costs of more than $50K in just a matter of weeks. That’s why your special gift right now is critical to help save more lives.
These puppies are depending on you. We must do everything we can before it’s too late. Please give now and help save hundreds of puppies from this terrible killer.
Cal Morgan
President and CEO