Oh, the life of royalty! So many lights, paparazzi, and scrutiny, but all Sir Charles wants is a quiet, comfy spot to perch and gaze wonderingly at the world around him.
At almost 6 years old, Sir Charles is a litter box-trained domestic shorthair cat with a distinct personality. While he enjoys sitting in his human’s lap on occasion and even receiving cuddles and pets, as his name suggests, he prefers it to be done at his own ‘royal’ suggestion. And please, no unsolicited and undignified hoisting into the air!
Sir Charles is happy to meet new subjects—err, people—and can be affectionate and welcoming. But like many cats who can get overstimulated by too much attention, he would thrive best with adults who understand and respect his need for personal space and time to chill. If you are an independent type of person looking for an independent cat companion, Sir Charles may be the perfect royal cohort for you!