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After being tragically hit by a car, sweet Peace made her way to the Atlanta Humane Society after her stray hold at DeKalb County Animal Services. No one came to claim this beautiful 9-month-old German Shepherd, and she needed expert medical attention.

Although x-rays revealed no broken bones, she was limping heavily on her front left leg where there was a large, swollen mass that needed to be drained and treated with antibiotics.

Peace is underweight, and her ears were filthy, so our Admissions team offered her a full bowl of delicious Purina food and cleaned her bothersome ears. While she’s still a bit unsure, this beautiful girl is starting to feel right at home in our care.

Thanks to generous support from friends like you, we were able to offer peace exactly what she needed to feel like herself again and found her a family to love her!

Please give generously today to support animals just like Peace!

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September 10, 2020

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