The phone rang, and our hearts broke. Murphy had been found in an abandoned apartment where he’d been left for weeks on end without food, water, or medical care.
Murphy was in a lot of pain because his entire right side was severely matted from neglect, and he needed to be shaved down immediately. So we carefully sedated him and begin to remove the months, if not years, of neglect from his otherwise beautiful black fur.
In addition to the severe matting, Murphy was also covered in fleas and suffers from a neurological condition called cerebellar hypoplasia, which causes him to wobble when he walks. This condition makes it more difficult for Murphy to do normal activities like eating, drinking, and using the litter box.
Murphy will need ongoing medical care, but because of your support, we are committed to helping him feel like himself again.
Murphy has a long road to recovery ahead of him, and he’s a bit wary of humans likely because of how he was treated in the past, but we can’t wait to show him what love really is.