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While you’re practicing social distancing and spending more time at home with your pet, what better way to enjoy time together than by making them a special treat? As the weather continues to warm up, this Apple PeaMutt Butter recipe from our friends at Taj Ma-Hound is sure to make your dog’s tail wag!


Apple PeaMutt Butter

  • 1/2  jar of applesauce or 8 oz
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 2 cups yogurt
  • 1/2 cup molasses or honey (optional)

Ingredients for recipe

Blend the first three ingredients in a blender until smooth. If you don’t have a blender, mixing with a fork will work just fine! Add molasses and gently stir so that it looks like a chocolate swirl.

Add honey to blender

Pour into individual serving vessels such as a plastic souflè cup, cupcake cup, or small paper cup. Freeze until solid.

Pour mixture

You can take any combination of the below-suggested ingredients and mix or blend them together. For a non-dairy version, omit the yogurt and use any of the other ingredients (except peanut butter) as a base.

  • Pumpkin (plain canned)
  • Applesauce (unsweetened is best but sweetened is fine too)
  • Molasses or honey
  • Yogurt (plain, vanilla, or Greek yogurt will do – make sure your yogurt is not sugar-free).
  • Peanut Butter (because dogs want peanut butter in everything!)
  • Sweet Potatoes/Yams (cooked or canned – not raw)
  • Bananas


Dogs enjoying snack

A special thanks to our friends at Taj Ma-Hound for providing this delicious recipe!

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March 31, 2020

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