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Two puppies getting a check up

It’s not planned. But you can plan on it. Puppy and Kitten Season.

Each spring, the Atlanta Humane Society sees a sharp uptick in the number of litters of puppies and kittens that arrive at our doors. They’re cute, they’re adorable, but they all need their shots and to be spayed or neutered.

It takes a lot of resources to care for a puppy or a kitten. Even more for a litter. It takes a community to care for dozens of litters. Your help is needed!

Make your gift today and your donation will go right to work helping to provide puppies and kittens with food, medical supplies, and care.

We want to be able to care for every single puppy and kitten who is brought to us – but we can only do that with your donation. Your support is needed now!

July 11, 2019

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