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Just One campaign

It takes just one person to change the life of an animal. Will you be that person?

With more than 11,000 animals relying on the Atlanta Humane Society each year for medical care, love and support, we’re asking you to step up and change the life of just one.

Will you pledge to be just the one they’re looking for?

When you pledge to raise $264 to save the life of an animal, you’ll become an official part of our Just One team, a group of dedicated and passionate animal lovers who understand the importance of being there for animals in need when they have no one else to turn to.

Your pledge today starts a journey to save the lives of Atlanta’s animals. When you pledge today, we’ll help you fulfill your promise by creating you your very own Just One participant center where you can let Atlanta know why it’s important to you to be there for animals in need. We’ll give you tools and guidance to ensure your pledge to the animals is fulfilled, and we’ll be there alongside you every step of the way.

When you pledge to be a Just One participant, you’re pledging to stand alongside us as we strive to change the lives of Atlanta’s animals.

Together, we’ll change the lives of Atlanta’s animals.

Just One campaign

August 30, 2018

Candler County Cruelty Case lightbox