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When Joey first arrived at Atlanta Humane, he could barely walk. His hind legs slipped out from beneath him and, try as he might, he just couldn’t get his legs to support him.

Physically, Joey had begun to form wounds where his paws would drag over the ground behind him. Mentally, he was visibly depressed by his inability to get around.

Our Shelter Medicine Team knew he needed our help and immediately began working on a plan of care.

The first step was conducting a thorough exam to determine the cause of his issues. Using a sling, our veterinarians checked his spine, legs, and gait, and eventually diagnosed him with a spinal condition that is possibly worsened by his weight.

We began sending Joey to physical therapy at Georgia Veterinary Rehabilitation, where the team helped him through both land and water therapy to improve his mobility. He also did daily exercises and received laser therapy and dry needling with electrical stimulation in support of our goal to help him walk better. Joey was then fitted with a wheelchair that helps him get around more easily and greatly improved his quality of life.

We knew finding a family for a large, special-needs senior dog would be a challenge, but we also knew in our hearts that the right home was out there. And this weekend, we found it.

Joey is living the good life, eating homemade organic food and surrounded by comfort. He’s got his own orthopedic beds, diapers, waterproof blankets, yoga mats to help him gain traction, mental stimulation games, chew toys, and more. He even has a special wagon that he can ride around in for leisurely strolls to smell the flowers. We can’t imagine a better home for him.

At Atlanta Humane, we’re committed to finding homes for all of our adoptable animals, no matter how long it takes. We take in animals like Joey with difficult medical conditions because we have the shelter medicine resources that others in our area don’t. Thank you for continually supporting our work and entrusting us with those animals who need us most.

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