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As we reach the hot summer months, it is important to remember to keep your pet healthy in the heat. Take a look below for tips to keep your pets cool during the summer heat!


Never leave in a parked car.

Don’t leave your pet in the car, even on mild days. Even with the windows cracked, the inside of the car can reach dangerous temperatures in minutes.




Provide water.

Pets can become dehydrated quickly, refill your pets water bowl with cool fresh water more often than usual on hot days.



Limit exercise during peak hot hours.

Take your pet on walks or exercise during the cooler hours like early morning or evening. Keep paws away from hot pavement.


Limit time outside. 

If it is too hot outside for us, it is too hot outside for your pet. Don’t leave your pet outside for an extended period of time. When your pets are outside, provide them with plenty of shade.


Know the signs of heatstroke. 

*Seek veterinary attention immediately if you suspect your pet is undergoing heatstroke.

  • Excessive and prolonged panting
  • Excessive drooling
  • Dark red and/or tacky tongue/gums
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • High heart rate
  • Body temperature above 104°F

Take the pledge to stay cool

Keep your pet safe this summer by following all these tips and joining our pledge to stay cool.

Pledge to Stay Cool
July 10, 2020

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