Do you enjoy streaming your favorite show for hours? Like to spend the evening playing games online? Love to settle in and read a good book? Then Lonzo might be the cat for you! He’s the perfect sofa snuggle partner and will never judge your taste in streaming series or trashy novels.
Lonzo is a homebody looking for a calm environment where he can chill and relax the day away with his companion. He especially loves tucking himself into boxes, where he feels safe and secure, but with love and a little patience, he’ll come out of his shell for you. Lonzo’s perfect day is one where he’s stretched out on the couch with you and getting plenty of scratches and pets.
Lonzo has lived with another cat in the past and did quite well, but we don’t have any known history on his experiences with dogs or children. Lonzo has been exposed to FIV previously, and a member of our Adoptions Team can give you more information about what that means for him.
If you think you’re the person to help this sweet guy gain a little confidence and really show his sweet side, visit him at our Atlanta location during our open hours. He qualifies for our Foster First Program, which means you can foster him for 14 days prior to adoption to ensure he’s the perfect fit for you!