We need you to stand up and help us end animal cruelty. During our Day of Giving, your donation will be doubled to rescue animals in need thanks to the support of our generous sponsors.

Unfortunately, there are animals across our state living in neglect right now. They’re outside in muddy pens, fighting for food, and covered in filth. They’ve never known love. When night comes, they begin to shiver. They do their best to curl up in a corner and rest, but they’re living with dozens of other dogs, and the noise, the barking is nonstop in the darkness.
When they wake up after the cold nights like we’ve just had, their fur is frozen, and their paws are stuck in the cold metal slats that they’re forced to live on. Sometimes there is food waiting for them, but often they have to fight for the last morsel of kibble that was refilled weeks ago. Their water froze in the bowl overnight, but it’s covered in filth and barely drinkable anyways.
Their reality is cruelty.

Your donation right now during our Day of Giving will ensure their cries don’t fall on deaf ears. Your donation will be doubled to support our Animal Protection Unit and ensure they’re able to respond to cruelty complaints, work with local county officials, and rescue these animals.
Your donation during our Day of Giving campaign will help us end animal cruelty. Please, find it in your heart to help rescue these animals.
February 25, 2021