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diamond smiling
diamond sitting

Meet Diamond! If you’re looking for a dog to brighten up your life, Diamond is the dog for you.

This snuggly jewel wants to jump up in the nearest lap and get all the cuddles. When she’s not getting petted, Diamond loves to be on the go: playing with her rope toys, chewing on her tennis balls, exploring, and riding in cars. She loves going on walks and although she might not dazzle you with her leash skills just yet, a little training will surely help this girl’s manners.

We don’t know much about this gem of a dog’s history, but our Adoptions Team can help facilitate introductions with any other pets or children in your home. She is currently being treated for heartworm disease and Atlanta Humane will continue to pay for this treatment as long as it’s needed even post-adoption.

Not dazzled by Diamond yet? She qualifies for our Foster First Program, which means you can foster her for 14 days prior to adoption to ensure she’s the perfect fit for your family! Come meet Diamond and watch her glow!

September 18, 2023

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