Axl was thrown from a car. A good Samaritan who saw this horrible thing happen immediately pulled over and rescued the kitten. They contacted the Atlanta Humane Society for help.
Axl needed a loving home to give him the proper care he needs to heal and grow. His rescuer generously offered to take Axl into their home.
We sent them home with one of our Grow-a-Kitten kits. These kits come with kitten food, litter, bottles, blankets, and other supplies to help kittens like Axl grow.
We are happy to supply these kits to support our community’s kittens during kitten season, and especially during the COIVD-19 pandemic. Along with the kits, we will also provide orphaned kittens who are part of our Grow-a-Kitten program with their first vaccines and spay or neuter them when they are big enough.
If you find yourself caring for an orphaned kitten, you can request a Grow-a-Kitten kit to help with their care.