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Clover getting a haircut

I am grateful for our community of supporters like you who love animals— and who generously answer our call to take action against cruelty, neglect and displacement of Atlanta’s most vulnerable animals.

Your compassion ensures that we can open our hearts to thousands of dogs and cats each year—connecting them with loving homes, fighting on their behalf and providing expert care.

You are the heart of who we are and all that we do! Thank you.

Now we need your support more than ever, as we save more animal lives with our new Animal Protection Unit.

The Animal Protection Unit has already been part of 9 cases rescuing 413 dogs and cats since its inception, and we know there are so many more animals in crisis, waiting to be saved, who are counting on us. With your gift, you will join our most loyal supporters who share our vision for a future free of animals suffering needlessly.

Clover is just one of the animals your love and support have helped us save.

When we found Clover, she was living — if you can call it that — in conditions that would break your heart. She was all by herself in a muddy outdoor pen on a hard wooden pallet. She had no bed. Not even a ragged blanket or towel to comfort her. But that was just the beginning of the cruelty this sweet girl experienced.

From the looks of it, no one cleaned Clover’s pen. Ever. Surrounded by her own feces and urine, she had no food or drinkable water.

Clover’s eyes told us that she’d given up hope – when you could see her eyes. Clover’s fur was so matted, she couldn’t even see her rescuers’ faces.

Under all those mats, this girl was extremely underweight. We could feel every bone in her body as we tried to comfort her. Clover also had a severe and extremely painful ear infection that had gone untreated for months, if not years.

We gently loaded Clover and the other dogs into our vans and headed back to Atlanta. Once she arrived, our staff immediately began grooming her to relieve the pain and discomfort she’d been feeling her entire life. Our Shelter Medicine Team scheduled her for surgery to examine, clean, and medicate the ear that was causing her immense pain.

After just a week in our care, Clover began to open up. She began to greet us every morning with an excited tail wag and gentle kisses. We know that once she’s healthy enough, this angel is going to make the perfect addition to someone’s home.

If you would like to be notified when an animal like Clover is available for adoption, please sign up on our Pet Alert page.

Take a look at this puppy mill rescue in Lamar County and the work of our new Animal Protection Unit. I hope it will inspire you to continue to invest in our critical mission programs to shelter animals as we shape a more humane animal welfare community.

I’m sorry to say that there are so many more animals, like Clover, being abused and neglected even as you read this.

But with your fierce devotion to the defense of animals we will find those animals and together, we will save them. Thank you for your gift today.


Cal Morgan
President and CEO

Puppy Mill Case lightbox