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brock therapy cover

Atlanta Humane has always been a special organization to Laura Aiken. Her father, Rick Aiken, was interim CEO from 2013 to 2014 and worked to help break up a dog fighting ring during his tenure.

So when Laura was ready to adopt a dog late last year, she knew where to go to find her new best friend. She immediately connected with Brock and knew he would fit her lifestyle well.

Now, Laura has been working with Brock to help improve the lives of people in her community. As a therapist, Laura works with teenagers and adults and has begun incorporating Brock into her therapy program. While working with her, Brock helps patients calm down and take deep breaths when they’re experiencing difficult times. His signature move is a “weighted blanket,” where he lays still across a person to help ease their sadness.

We’re grateful to have been a part of their story and so thankful for the work they’re doing in our community.

July 13, 2023

Candler County Cruelty Case lightbox