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Cat Enrichment Training Food Toys

Enrichment & Training: Feline Food Toys

Enrichment & Training: Feline Food Toys

Food toys are a simple way to add mental and physical stimulation into a cat’s daily life. Below is a list of DIY food toys that you can assemble from household items. These food toys can be given to your cat at any point throughout the day. Start by introducing the toys at the easy level and increase the challenge once your cat gets the hang of it. You can place kibble in the food toy or use high value treats, like tuna, sardines, or meat-flavored baby food.


  • Enrichment and training increases problem solving skills and builds confidence.
  • Provides opportunities to perform species-specific behaviors.
  • Reduces undesirable behaviors resulting from boredom, frustration, or anxiety.
  • Turns mealtime into an interactive activity throughout the day.

Let’s talk about treats: The properties of the treat and the movement of the toy can influence the difficulty and the appeal. You should start out by making the toy easy and the treats engaging. Treats that contrast against the color of the toy are easier to locate, while non-contrasting treats can increase the challenge. Smelly treats are easier to locate and are often more enticing, while kibble can increase the challenge. Toys with movement and sound can engage the cat to chase or pounce. Items such as shredded paper, appropriate cat ball toys with bells, or ping pong balls are all great additions to each toy to create movement and noise.

  • Plastic Egg
  • Ice Cube Tray
  • Cardboard Box
  • Puzzle Box
  • Toilet Paper Tube
  • Snuffle Mat
  • Plastic Egg
  • Ice Cube Tray
  • Cardboard Box
  • Puzzle Box
  • Toilet Paper Tube
  • Snuffle Mat
Warning: All toys should be given with supervision. Ingesting inappropriate objects could result in an intestinal obstruction. If your cat tries to ingest a non-edible item, use a different toy for the enrichment. Always choose an appropriately sized toy for your pet. If you suspect your pet ingested something they shouldn’t have, contact your foster coordinator or veterinarian. If it is a life-threatening situation, take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

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