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Ralph was one of the 78 dogs we took in from a cruel and neglectful situation in Murray County, Georgia. We immediately noticed something was wrong when we saw him sitting in the blazing Georgia sun with no clean water.

His lower jaw hung from his face, and his fur was filthy and matted. We could tell he was older than most of the other dogs on the property, and once back in Atlanta, our Shelter Medicine Team went to work assessing his condition.

Upon closer inspection, we discovered something shocking. Due to severe untreated dental disease and a lifelong neglectful lack of medical care, Ralph’s lower jaw had completely rotted away causing him pain and trouble eating.

Despite all he has been through, Ralph craves human attention and loves to be cuddled. 

In addition to his debilitating jaw condition, Ralph was also diagnosed with Heartworm disease, and his belly was full of parasites. Our Shelter Medicine Team treated all his ailments, and little Ralph is doing much better!

Your support makes happy endings possible for animals just like Ralph.

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