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Please help us fight this bill that would make it easier for puppy mills to sell dogs in Georgia.

An attempt to prohibit Georgia’s cities and counties from passing their own laws to keep cruelly bred puppies out of their pet stores, HB 144, failed to pass the House of Representatives (thanks to YOUR efforts!). However, now backers of that failed bill are trying to hijack other bills and amend their harmful language into them.

This is happening in hours, and the animals need your voice!

What can you do?

  • Stand up for the animals on social media and ask your friends to join you by sharing your voice about this ordinance on Facebook.
  • Please call and email your State Senator before 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 16th. Say that you live in their district, and politely ask your Senator to please vote NO to any amendments to HB 49. Being polite goes a long way in being heard!

Below are some talking points you may wish to use:

As a resident in your district, I want you to know how important it is for you to vote no to any amendments to HB 49. These amendments support animal cruelty and puppy mills, I will not stand for that and I hope neither will you. I appreciate your time and again ask you to please stand up for the animals suffering in Georgia puppy mills and vote no to HB49. Thank you! 

Sign up for our legislative action alerts now to receive further updates.


Thank you for joining the Atlanta Humane Society and its supporters in being the voice for animals in Georgia.

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