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Your support of the work we do here at the Atlanta Humane Society is incredible. Your donations enable us to provide animals in need the care and love they deserve. And, especially in the springtime, your support enables us to care for an influx of tiny puppies and kittens who come to us seeking love.

When you choose to support the animals, and these tiny puppies and kittens, you’re choosing to give them love, often for the first time in their lives.

Please take a moment to read the stories of Bubbles, Maizey and Rain that are in the latest issue of The Heartbeat. Know that your past support gave them love, and that your support today will give the animals who are coming through our doors right now the love they need as well.

We couldn’t do the work we do, care for the animals we care for, and provide specialized support to these tiny puppies and kittens without you and your continued partnership. We’re grateful for your kindness! Your donation of $25, $50 or $100 provides them the love they deserve.


Cal Morgan – President and CEO

March 6, 2018

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